Printing Technology Trends 2018
From the rise of managed print systems to the increased use of 3D printers, the printing industry has seen many changes over the past several years. Many printing trends we anticipate for 2018 will be business-related, helping companies increase efficiency and collaboration. Here are a few examples of on-the-rise trends in printing we showcase in our recent infographic:
Increased Workflow Digitization
More and more printers are now coming with document capture devices. This allows users to digitize their documents and store data quickly and efficiently. Finding, accessing and sharing information becomes easier with document capture, so an increasing number of businesses are utilizing this feature.
Automated workflow processes that can efficiently link customers, printing systems and services will also grow in demand in 2018. These automated workflows will allow users to work remotely and continue printing through whichever device they need.
Technology Integration
With the rise of IoT, technology is becoming increasingly integrated. Printers are no exception. In 2018, we can expect to see more advanced devices make integration easier, as people expect more and more from their printers.
The market for multi-function printers – which can scan, copy and print, among other functions – will also likely continue to expand in the coming years. Technology providers are looking for ways to add more functions and capabilities to these devices, so users can look forward to more developed and cutting-edge features on multi-function printers. A3 devices – which are able to handle 11x17-inch paper – will also increase in demand.
Commercial Use for Inkjet Printers
For a long time, inkjet printers have been primarily used at home or for limited volumes of printing at work. We expect inkjet technology to improve to the point where the printers are able to compete with digital printing equipment. Business owners may potentially be able to bring certain limited printing jobs that would have gone to commercial printing presses in house.
Growing Demand for Document Security
On top of increased functionality and integration, document security is going to take a front seat in many organizations. In addition to digital security measures, businesses like healthcare organizations and educational institutions are investing in technology that requires ID scanning to collect classified documents.
The printing industry has undergone many exciting changes recently. Workflows will become increasingly digitized, as businesses look for ways to improve efficiency and allow more employees to work remotely. Technology integration will also be key within the new printing climate, and it will allow for quicker, more efficient commercial printing.
Originally published by cartridges world