Office Printing Trends Revealed On By the Numbers
The first “By The Numbers” blog revealed how office printing habits are changing. Average pages per user were down from 2015 to 2016. Color printing for email and web print are on the rise.
First, a couple of notable overall trends:
⇩Overall volumes per user are down dramatically in all verticals except Financial and Medical.
⇩Overall total color spend vs. mono are down for all verticals except Education and Legal.
Printing habits in some verticals remain persistent or are on the rise in some verticals while experiencing dramatic declines in others. Here are some observations for the biggest winners and losers from 2015 to 2016:
Medical:Daily pages per user increased by nearly 118%.
Education: Increased total color spend vs. mono by a whopping 85%.
Government:A 55% decrease in pages per user.
Financial:52% decrease in color vs. mono spend.
Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the most important verticals for office equipment dealers. For each we will detail duplex, % color in email and web printing, average pages per user and color vs. mono spend:
Large Enterprise:
⇧Duplex: An increase of 2% in duplexing pushing to 10% total.
⇧% of Total Color Output From Email & Web: A dramatic increase from 23% to 38%.
⇩Average Daily Pages Per User: Decreased from 6 pages to 4.5 pages.
⇩% Total Color Printing Costs: Down from 40% to 31%.
⇩Duplex: A decrease of 11% in duplexing down from 50% to 39% total.
⇩% of Total Color Output From Email & Web: A decrease from 25% to 24%.
⇧Average Daily Pages Per User: Increased from 13 pages to 20 pages.
⇧% Total Color Printing Costs: Up from 27% to 50%.
⇩Duplex: A decrease down from 20% to 17% total.
⇩% of Total Color Output From Email & Web: A decrease from 26% to 19%.
⇧Average Daily Pages Per User: Increased from 17 pages to 37 pages.
⇩% Total Color Printing Costs: Down from 51% to 26%.
⇔Duplex: Zero duplex for both years!
⇔% of Total Color Output From Email & Web: Very low at 5% for both years.
⇩Average Daily Pages Per User: Decreased from 83 pages to 79 pages.
⇧% Total Color Printing Costs: From 50% to 51%.
⇔Duplex: Steady at 38% for both years.
⇧% of Total Color Output From Email & Web: An increase from 12% to 16%.
⇩Average Daily Pages Per User: Dramatic decrease from 33 pages to 15 pages.
⇩% Total Color Printing Costs: Down from 56% to 52%.
⇩Duplex: A decrease, down from 12% to 7% total.
⇧% of Total Color Output From Email & Web: An increase from 22% to 27%.
⇧Average Daily Pages Per User: Increased from 18 pages to 21 pages.
⇩% Total Color Printing Costs: From 66% to 32%
The office imaging space is changing dramatically, and depending on your perspective, that is a good thing or a bad thing. The trends for end-user customers are positive, but as dealers they are very negative, at least for those continuing to use CPP (Cost Per Page) as their only option. For those offering SBB (Seat Based Billing), the trends are positive for both customers AND dealers!
We trust that as an office equipment and/or managed print dealer that you found this deep dive of the 2015 and 2016 Print Audit Assessment Insights as interesting and as eye opening as we did when compiling them.
Article origin:PrintAudit